Tessa’s 2015 in review

So a couple of you probably got this post, I thought I could make mine a little more special than it already is by adding my thoughts.

This year, I have learned a lot.  I have learned new things, I have struck new milestones. I feel thankful and grateful for 2015 and all that it unravelled about me.

Invitation card

I lost my dad this year. I believe that He has gone to be with God, even though for close to a month, I kept wondering if his life/living was perfect enough to make heaven. I gave up my perfectionism again, and decided that all that is needed is to confess, believe in the resurrection and trust in the Lord. I guess what he did so  far was enough for salvation at least. I leave all the rest in God’s hand.

Of course with 2016 around the corner, I have written my goals/plans, spiritual, relationship, career, development, soul, business, financial, giving to God’s kingdom goals, giving of me to witnessing one on one, more this year than last year and opening my mind to the possibility of fulfilling a God-given assignment, if that is what God wills for me, I don’t want to say no, if God is saying yes.


I can safely say, that if God wants this life to serve someone else’s life then I will do my very best to place myself at God’s disposal, along with my heart, not kicking and screaming, enough of the kicking and screaming.

God isn’t holding me hostage. I chose God. I chose faith. I chose this life. I can’t always completely explain faith because every time I get new experiences and go on more faith adventures, that let me know that there’s always more on the plate than I think.

I love my family, perfect and imperfect.

I love social media a lot, it has its perks



  • Not everyone will agree with you. Just make sure that you are willing to say what God wants you to say at all times and not your opinion. You are not your own, thus you don’t really have an opinion. You represent the King of kings
  • Family may not always agree with you but they will always love you
  • I met my cousins, many of them
  • I went to the village for the first time, kicking and screaming
  • I had to do the best I could to get along and not lift my snotty nose up. I am not a snob but I love to keep my circle as small as possible, only those that matter, not one person more.
  • I met my daddy’s siblings, I was very critical and I realise that sibling rivalry is not just in our generation, my daddy’s generation had it too.
  • Is it not sad how it is easier to understand and not criticize so much when one is dead. Don’t spend your time criticizing, just pray that the Spirit of God would always have the rule over you
  • Life is just never as easy as you want it to be
  • Hypocrites never mind their business, they also never make any impact for God. I want to always make an impact for God and have the gospel written on human hearts and not in pages of the bible
  • I’m willing to dream again
  • I am willing to open my heart up to God again and again because I realise that I might grow cold after some knocks again
  • I asked a question in my heart and a morning devotion daily no matter how short it is, is the answer.
  • I pray for grace to commit and be consistent in my morning devotion

So here’s my blog report for the year:

Yes, it wasn’t what I expected but I am saying thank you to all my referrers, followers and the people who enjoy the blog and follow the blog and so receive the blog in email. Please, click on my link once in awhile.

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 860 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

9 thoughts on “Tessa’s 2015 in review

  1. My dear, no dreams, no accomplishment. For me, my dreams make me see what’s possible. And that God doesn’t see impossibilities. His suggestions can be hysterical but the power to do is in the obedience.


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